Is your website performing as well as it should? Is it delivering the best value for your business or is it simply taking up digital real estate? Website performance measurements and SEO metrics can help answer that. Understanding your site’s overall performance can provide you with the information you need to boost your rankings on […]
SEO Keywords – 7 Things Every Business Should Know
SEO keywords are an essential part of a business marketing strategy. From SEO, to pay-per-click ads, to social media and content marketing, keywords are a crucial element in success. Keywords also play an pivotal role for a website to rank effectively in Google and other search engines. However, ranking well in the Search Engine Results […]
9 Actionable Ways to Grow Your Email List
Do you ever wish that you had a better grasp on how to grow your email list and reach a larger audience for your content or product offerings? You are not alone. Building a high quality, profitable email marketing list takes a bit of planning, science, and perseverance. But when done correctly, email lists have […]
Using Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic
Google Search Console is a powerful, free collection of tools from Google for monitoring and improving your website health and performance. Most people who own, build, or maintain a website, or do digital marketing, are familiar with Google Analytics and the wealth of information it provides. Fewer people are familiar with the Google Search Console […]
Google Analytics 4 Upgrading – What To Know
Google Analytics is changing and the current version, commonly known as Universal Analytics, is being replaced by Google Analytics 4, frequently referred to as GA4. Both versions are free and the time to begin preparing to make the upgrade to Google Analytics 4 is now. When you log into your Google Analytics account you will […]
Measuring SEO ROI For Your Business
You know that it’s important to do ongoing search engine optimization for your website. A key question is how do you measure the SEO ROI for your business? Studies have shown that 53% of website traffic comes from organic search results. Growing your visibility and rankings in the search engines grows organic traffic. What is […]